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Saying ‘NO, thank you, I don’t need a bag’ was not easy for me to say at first. I didn’t want to sound rude, but as time went by, I felt more and more comfortable and secure saying these words and all of a sudden it was very easy. One of the most essential items to produce less waste are reusable bags. One or two reusable bags can replace many, many plastic and paper bags. The voluntary commitment of some of Austria’s biggest supermarket chains and one clothing store to stop selling plastic bags was already a big and important step in the right direction. While in 2014 every Austrian used 63 plastic bags a year, the number could be reduced down to 49 by 2017. This is already a massive cut and also a great way of raising awareness about plastic pollution, but it is still not down to zero. In 2018, the Austrian government has therefor agreed to prohibit selling plastic bags all over Austria by the 1st of January 2020. YAY! :) My dog Coco and me taking a stroll in the park. Bags can also be helpful for keeping Cocos treats If you do not want to wait until 2020 to start using reusable bags, I hereby present to you the biggest advantages of reusable bags in a nutshell:
Or another situation: You bought so many groceries, put them all in a plastic bag, walk home and all of a sudden … ? There is a very easy solution for these problems: it is called reusable bag. They can deal with every weather condition J
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I bought my safety razor around 3 years ago and for the first couple of months it was just sitting on the shelf in my bathroom because I was afraid of using it. When I bought it the lady in the store was super nice and explained to me how to use it. This somehow got me so scared that I needed some time to get accustomed to it and make my inner self ready for its use. Sounds weird, but this really is how I felt. The only time that I used single use razors was short after I started shaving. Soon after that my dear mum bought me an electric razor. After 15 years it is still working perfectly fine and I still use it for my legs. Since I never liked single use shavers and thought of them as a waste of money and resources I chose the next best alternative and bought a razor with a changeable head. I used the same one for over ten years. It produced less waste, was cheaper and didn’t take up much space to store. So, I could have stayed with this one, but I decided to change and reduce my amount of waste to a bare minimum, which is when I decided to buy the safety razor. Being afraid of using it was completely unnecessary, because it is the same as any other razor, with a couple of exceptions. How to use a safety razor?
First of all, there are no differences. The steel razor works great, because it cuts your hair even more precise than a single-use razor. When buying the shaver also make sure to get some blades. Depending on how sharp the blades are, I change them around every three months. What is important to know is that you can use both sides of the blade. Just turn them upside down. So you can make them last even longer. This way you can save more money and create even less waste. The blades can then be recycled in the metal bin. By taking good care of your razor and cleaning it from time to time with a bit of water and a sponge you can make sure that it will last forever. Why safety razors are great 1.Once in a lifetime investment A safety razor is a once in a lifetime investment. Buying one might be a bit more expensive than buying a pack of single-use shavers. But counting up all the times you have to buy a pack of single-use shavers, it is way cheaper. The safety razor and blades don’t take up much space to store either. 2.Stylish I think safety razors are extremely stylish. They always remind me of old times when products where still long lasting. Did you know that 80 % of the steel which has ever been produced is still being used today? So, who knows what the past of your razor might be 3.Create no waste By using a safety razor, you reduce your amount of waste to a bare minimum. As stated above the razor is a once in a lifetime investment. If you take good care of it, you can use it for the rest of your life. The blades can be recycled in the metal bin. I am a huge fan of shampoo bars. There are many, many advantages like easy travelling, longer lasting, cheaper to buy, … etc. One of the reasons why I fell in love with them in first place, is because for years I have been trying to wash my hair not every day. By washing it so often my hair became oily, looked frizzy and I also wasted a lot of water. I bought my first bar a couple of years ago. It was from Dr. Bronner’s and gave my hair a very cool beach look. But the soap was too aggressive for my hair and soon after it didn't look very cool anymore but more like super frizzy. So, I took a break from shampoo bars for a couple of years and started using liquid shampoo again. Which wasn't good either because it made me wash my hair every day again, because it looked oily after a day. By washing your hair with shampoo, most of One day I decided to stop this negative feedback loop and wash my hair every second day only, I just needed to find the right product for it. I figured shampoo bars might help. My next shampoo bar was from LUSH. Their products come package free, they aren’t tested on animals and most of them are vegan and their customer service is excellent. Over the years I tried other shampoo bars as well because I like to support small and local labels, but they made my hair look like Dr. Bronner’s hair again. The use of shampoo bars came along with some preparation as well. I started brushing my hair extensively from top to hair-ends every day before going to bed. So the oil would not only be at the top.This procedure was very helpful. The reason for it was to regulate the production of natural oils and to 'show my hair' that it could stop overproducing oil. Whenever you wash your hair with shampoo most of our natural oils are washed out, so your hair will produce even more and your hair will become oily. How to wash your hair with a shampoo bar
Washing your hair with a shampoo bar is not so much different than washing it with any other shampoo. Just make sure to first wet your shampoo bar. Then create a lather by rubbing the bar between your hands or directly onto your hair. Massage it into your hair to boost your circulation and rinse it off. I love to rinse them off with cold water at the end (but just for a couple of seconds ;) ). It not only closes the hair cuticles and boosts my circulation but also makes me wake up and get ready for the day. I don’t have a hair dryer at home, so I always let them air dry. This makes them look more natural, is healthier and it also saves energy. Make sure to leave the bar out for air dry. The advantages of shampoo bars As stated before I am a huge fan of them. Here are a couple of reasons why: 1.Package Free – 1:3 According to LUSH 1 shampoo bar can do the job of 3 x 250 g shampoo bottles. This means that you can save a lot of plastic from going to landfill or getting burned. 2.Longer lasting Shampoos bars last between 80 to 100 washes. 3.Cheaper to buy One bar is around € 5-10,- . Since they last 3 times the amount of liquid shampoos, you can definitely save a lot of money as well. 4.Travelling I love travelling and I love to travel light. First of all, you will never have to worry about travel size shampoo in your carry-on luggage and ask yourself ‘Can I take this on the plane or is it too much?’. It also doesn’t take up much space, you don’t have to be afraid that they will run out and shampoo bars are easy to pack. Well, perfect that you found this site here already. Zero Waste is a live changing experience and what is a better way to start with it than the beginning of the new year. From now on I will be posting one tip each week, so change will be slowly, and it will be easy to follow. (Don’t get ahead of yourself, there might be some challenges along the way ;) )
The first step is very easy: mentally prepare yourself to buy less products. From now on, most of the products you usually spend some money on will be replaced by longer lasting products. It might be a bit more expensive to buy, but in the end, you will save way more money and do something good for the environment and yourself. By living a green live style for, I hardly ever go to a supermarket or drug store anymore. I don’t have a waste bin in my bathroom anymore, I don’t own many things, but the ones I do I love. The money I own, I spend on travelling and other relaxing and fun things to do. I found my inner balance and realised that the art of living is not by buying and owing many things and to be materialistic. No, the art of living lies in saying 'No' and overthinking your way of live and figuring out what you really want and need. |
AuthorHey there, my name is Fiona. I love travelling and getting to know different cultures. Because of travelling I realised I don't need many things to live a happy life. My transformation started ten years ago with my first big trip to India, since then I live a very minimalistic lifestyle. For a couple of years now, it is not only minimalistic but also zero waste. Proud to be part of |
Fiona pulda, bSc Adresse: Franz josefs kai 39/28 1010 Wien E-Mail: [email protected] Telefon: 0650 360 30 63 |