Here you will find all stores in Vienna where you can take your electronic devices, textiles or your bicycle and let them repair. You will also find upcycling, zero waste and 2nd hand stores from all around the world.
If you know a repair shop and can recommend it, please let me know 🖤
To find out why it is so important to repair and reuse what you have, I put together some facts.
If you know a repair shop and can recommend it, please let me know 🖤
To find out why it is so important to repair and reuse what you have, I put together some facts.
electronic devices
Around 50 million tons of E-waste are generated per year, according to a report from the UN. Only 20 % of it will be recycled. The reason why recycling from E-waste is so important is that electronic devices contain metals and rare earths which can be highly toxic when they are released into the environment. They poison the soil and water near them. This is why controlled recycling is so important. Also the metals and rare earths can be reused in other products. There are a couple of reasons for this huge amount of E-waste each year, one of them is planned obsolescence. This means that the lifespan of an electronic device is artificially limited, so it will break and no longer work. Often times we think it is more expensive to repair them, than to buy a new one. Therefor I put together a couple of stores where you take your devices for repair. To finde out how to reduce your E-waste, click here REUSE & REPAIR
Worldwide 1/3 of our food is being thrown away every year. Some of it gets 'lost' during the process of production, it is left on the fields because the fruit or vegetable is too big or too small or it doesn't qualify because of some other lack of criteria. In the stores food is thrown away as well, because it isn't stored the right way or turned bad while waiting for a costumer to buy it. We consumers throw out a lot of food too. There are plenty of reasons for it, because we buy too much, don't know how to store it, don't feel like eating the food we bought, any more. According to a study from the STREFOWA project each Austrian household throws away € 300,- in food every year. If you have too much food at home or want to find some places where you can get food for free, click here SAVE FOOD FROM WASTE
Every year more than 100 billion pieces of clothing are produced. According to Greenpeace every Austrian buys around 50 pieces of clothing every year. Most of these pieces are never or worn only seldom. In Europe 5.8 million tones of clothes are thrown away per year. The majority of these pieces is produced out of plastic (polyethylene). When washing these clothes small particles called microplastics are released. These pieces are so tiny that we cannot see them with our naked eye. Microplastics pollute our water, fish and other marine animals mistakenly think they are food and eat them. And when we eat these fish, we also eat microplastic.
To find out where to repair your clothes, click here REUSE & REPAIR and to find out where to buy 2nd hand click here 2nd HAND
To find out where to repair your clothes, click here REUSE & REPAIR and to find out where to buy 2nd hand click here 2nd HAND